Sunday 3 June 2012

ASSIGNMENT 2 : two points, points in deliberate shape, implied triangles

So how did these three elements happen to get left until last to be allocated suitable images then ..?  Firstly, I thought these would be amongst the easiest to find .. they weren’t – they were the most difficult, and secondly because I then thought that these could be found as elements within photographs of other things.  Well, they didn’t reveal themselves from that either, so it was necessary to return to London for a final (I hope) attempt to capture some of these elusive double points, several points in a deliberate shape and implied triangles.  Implied triangles are actually easy to photograph, but then I started to be concerned about how the points of the triangle related to one another, how close the apices could be to one another, what sort of angle would be considered a triangle  .. after all, three points in a line with the middle one slightly offset is a triangle ... just.  Anyway, the results of these last three elements are shown below, again labelled as ‘candidate’ for each of the categories.  Again, these have been processed in LR4.1 and simple converted to black and white with a few basic adjustments made.  The final assessment images will get a more rigorous treatment and will be finalised in Silver Efex Pro 2, which continues to impress me the more I get the chance to test different types of images.

So after this I need to decide which of the images I intend to submit for tutor assessment.  I’m confident in some of the elements and that I have good images, some are ‘safe bets’, which I don’t really like. Just because they do the job and fulfil the brief does not make them good images.  However, I am aiming for 13-15 photographs to put forward, and when I make my final selection they will be blogged on here as well as being placed on my flickrPro site as full sized images for evaluation.  I’ll also be blogging what it is I see in each image and why I selected it over other candidates.  What I will certainly not be doing is a ‘kitchen sink’ submission as a cop out from not being able to decide between images !!!

The first offering for implied triangles is Hungerford Bridge heading into Charing Cross station and carrying the footpath across the Thames.  Although each of the suspension elements of the bridge is itself a triangle, the angle of view (from the top of the London Eye) suggests two inverted triangles and two basal triangles when looked at in their different combinations.  This was an image I really liked from the outset, although it was not considered initially as it was taken on a very dull day, through Perspex and in the pouring rain, and therefore was not as sharp as I would normally consider acceptable.  I do like the multiple implied triangles and the striking diagonal that the bridge makes across the frame though.
Candidate 1 : Implied triangles

The next ‘implied triangle’ image is from the ‘bubble blowers’ along the Embankment that I have mentioned before.  Certainly it has a triangular shape derived from the three figures and I liked the way that their gaze is unified in one direction to give strength and cohesion to the photograph.  The bubble blowers will probably feature in ‘distinct if irregular shape’, and I don’t really want to be repetitive, but it certainly is a contender for implied triangles.
Candidate 2 : Implied triangle

Another image from the bubble blowers became a candidate because the implied inverted triangle is formed from the sticks and the arms of the girl moving down to the apex where she is stood with feet really close together giving the whole image the feeling of instability and action.
Candidate 3 : Implied triangle

The last image for ‘implied triangles’ is people again (a common feature of this element as I have come to discover) and is of tourists taking photographs with Tower Bridge as a backdrop.  Other than it being a triangle, I liked the way that the photographer is on the run and has one foot off the ground as he frames up the couple.
Candidate 4 : Implied traingle

‘Several points in a deliberate shape’ is not a difficult image to take if one gives oneself complete freedom to choose any subject.  However, as I have said before, I wanted this assignment to be exactly that, and to feature central London and the Embankment, so I am not about to default to finding a few ducks on a pond in a deliberate shape, although some gulls on the Thames in a deliberate shape might not have been a bad idea!  I previously suggested the old man on the bench as a possibility for ‘point’, but the three carefully placed pigeons do suggest this may be a better contender for ‘points in a deliberate shape’.  Individually, each element would qualify as a point, and the row of pigeons, the man and the bag are in a nice diagonal arrangement.
Candidate 1 : Several points in deliberate shape

So finally, to two points.  A couple of balls, sculptures along by County Hall, provide two excellent points as well as endless chances to photography tourist pushing them along, or trying to anyway.
Candidate 1 : Two points

I’m sure I should not be assembling a portfolio of images based on London with some passing reference to an upcoming sporting event of some sort ...  The two flags certainly qualify as ‘two points’.
Candidate 2 : Two points

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