Here I needed
to repeat what was done for Exercise 29 except that the requirement was to
shoot sunlit, side lit and shaded images of the subject with the camera set to daylight, cloudy and auto white
balance (AWB). So, a matrix of 9 shots was required.
Let me
introduce the imaginatively named Norman, or maybe it should have been Gnorman
.. A nice photographic target because of
his red, green and brown colouration and because of his white areas and coarse
surface texture … but you can’t say much else for him as he is truly
horrid! Different camera makes and
models handle white balance adjustments slightly differently and the
photographs here were taken with the Canon 5DMkII and 24-105mm f/4 L IS
lens. No post-production changes were made
to the images.
The first set
of images was taken under shaded midday conditions. The images with the camera set to daylight and AWB were very similar, but with a slightly enhanced colour
saturation in the green and red derived from the daylight setting. The shade setting under these shade
conditions produced a slightly darker image with greater colour saturation than
for AWB or daylight and a much richer
tone in the wooden table. It also
introduced a little more contrast into the image and added an unwelcome green
tint to the whites. If I had been
shooting this image for myself, I would have remained with AWB and added a little more contrast plus adjusting the colour
temperature and tint to taste.
Shaded - AWB |
Shaded - daylight |
Shaded - cloudy |
The second
series was taken with the sun as low to the horizon as was possible under the
circumstances and achieved a strong side light as was the intention. Again, no
post-production changes were made and the images were compared. It was obvious that the horizontal light was
going to give an intensely lit side and a shaded side as can be seen. The shade setting gave a more richly toned
image but appeared to introduce a green tint.
Auto introduced a slight blue tint, as the 5DMkII tends to do in auto
under intense lighting conditions, and the daylight setting gave the best
overall colour and tone.
Horizontal - AWB |
Horizontal - daylight |
Horizontal - cloudy |
The final set
was taken in full sun and the differences between the three camera setting were
less obvious here although the shade setting again introduced a slight green
Sunny - AWB |
Sunny - daylight |
Sunny - cloudy |
This was an
interesting exercise to see exactly what the differences between the camera
settings under conditions of at least some control as I routinely shoot in auto
white balance and make any adjustments required in the post-production phase.
I think you're very unkind about Norman, who isn't horrid at all. Any exercise that uses a garden gnome as its subject goes up in my estimation.